Whippety w Polsce

Data ostatniej aktualizacji strony: 18.06.2020

Importy - BELGIA / BELGIUM - Imports

Oochigea's Xuthe

Ur. 1998-08-12
Zm. 2013
Umaszczenie: czarne
Hod.: Antoinette Wiwenes
W³.: Beata Hettlinger, ¯abia Wola - hodowla RES POLONIAE
Potomstwo: "F" Res Poloniae 2005
"F" Res Poloniae 2004
"B" Res Poloniae 2003
Fergus van de Ijsselvallei Mats el Kahal Airbus Enfants Autan Speedy Gold Coeur de Lion
Riggi des Allèles
Gasby v't Katermeer Lucky Boy the Grashopper
Beauty of the Crackerjack
Contessa van de Ijsselvallei Permit the Grasshopper Earny the Grashopper
Dennise the Grashopper
Anoeska van de Spaarnemeute Carmen of The Quick Hunters
Graceful Averall Dalton van't Loechtje Scooby Doo van't Loechtje Blizzard Van't Loechtje
Olquanita of The Spendid Dogs Buffalo Bill vom Leinufer
Irene of the Splendid Dogs
Kyra vd Sabelpoort Phalanx Corner Borsov v.'t Sinkelzandt
Gipsy the Grashopper
Iuy Quicksilver S Of Huntress Home
Lotus II

do góry

Copyright: Katarzyna Matusik